
C.M.C is a Private Practice – Clinical Officer medical clinic located in Mutithi (Kagio, 200m From Kagio Bingwa Sacco) Kirinyaga North/Mwea West in Kirinyaga County. As of 2021, the facility was fully operational with a capacity of 21 beds. It is regulated by Pharmacy & Poisons Board under registration number 25733.
You can reach C.M.C by call or text through their mobile number 0725049212.
Below are some of the services offered at C.M.C.

  1. Permanent Care And Treatment Services
  2. Outpatient Curative Services
  3. Long Term Family Planning Services
  4. Inpatient
  5. Hospital – Retail services
  6. General Emergency Services
  7. Focused Antenatal Care
  8. Class A Laboratory Services
The following service providers also offers similar services in Kirinyaga North/Mwea West, you might want to check them out.

Good Samaritan Health Services (Kirinyaga)


Leilan Medical Centre


Ssema Medical Clinic


B .M. C