Africa Inuka Hospital


Africa Inuka Hospital is a Private Practice – General Practitioner primary care hospital located in Market Milimani (The Facility Is Situated In Milimali Estate,Along Atieno Owuor Road Off Jomo Kenyatta Highway To The South.) Kisumu Central in Kisumu County. As of 2021, the facility was fully operational with a capacity of 60 beds and 5 cots. It is regulated by Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council under registration number 25539.
You can reach Africa Inuka Hospital by call or text through their mobile number 0768784498.
Below are some of the services offered at Africa Inuka Hospital.

  1. Specialised ANC
  2. Short Term Family Planning Services
  3. Permanent Care And Treatment Services
  4. Pap smear
  5. Outpatient Curative Services
  6. Long Term Family Planning Services
  7. Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
  8. Inpatient
  9. Focused Antenatal Care
  10. Facility offering Blood Transfusion Service
  11. Comprehensive Maternity Obstetric Care (CeMOC)
  12. Class B Laboratory Services
  13. Class A Laboratory Services
  14. Breast Cancer Screening Services
  15. Basic Obstetric Care (BMOC)
  16. Basic dental services
  17. Ambulatory Services
  18. Accident and Emergency casualty Services
The following service providers also offers similar services in Kisumu Central, you might want to check them out.

Migosi Sub County Hospital


Dunga Nursing Home


Kisumu County Hospital


Milimani Hospital