Brain Spine and Rehabilitation


Brain Spine and Rehabilitation is a Private Practice – Private Institution Academic primary care hospital located in Parklands/Highridge (Westlands, Wambugu Road-Off Limuru On Wambugu Rd,Wambugu Grove Off Parklands) Westlands in Nairobi County. As of 2021, the facility was fully operational with a capacity of 12 beds. It is regulated by Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council under registration number 23488. You can reach Brain Spine and Rehabilitation by call or text through their mobile numberĀ .+254770277277. Below are some of the services offered at Brain Spine and Rehabilitation.

  1. Specialised Physiotherapy
  2. Minor Theatre Services
  3. General Theatre Services
  4. ICU services
  5. High depedency Services
  6. Basic Physiotherapy
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