Lvct Health-Manyatta Dice


Lvct Health-Manyatta Dice is a Non-Governmental Organization medical clinic located in Kondele (Rainbow Nursery, Situated Along Skyway Road Opposite Rainbow Nursery School) Kisumu Central in Kisumu County. As of 2021, the facility was fully operational, regulated by Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council under registration number 24200.
You can reach Lvct Health-Manyatta Dice by call or text through their mobile number 0727786329.
Below are some of the services offered at Lvct Health-Manyatta Dice.

  1. Short Term Family Planning Services
  2. EMTCT-Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV
  3. Permanent Care And Treatment Services
  4. Outpatient Curative Services
  5. Natural Family Planning Services
  6. Long Term Family Planning Services
  7. Infection Prevention and control to mitigate HIV infection in the work place
  8. HIV treatment and care
  9. HIV Testing Services
  10. HIV risk reduction services for prioity populations and geographies
  11. HIV risk reduction for Key populations
  12. Condom Distribution & STI Prevention
  13. Class A Laboratory Services
  14. Accident and Emergency casualty Services
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