Xilva Medical Clinic


Xilva Medical Clinic is a Non-Governmental Organization dispensary located in Karai (Musa Gitau, Along Dagoretti Gikambura Road) Kikuyu in Kiambu County. As of 2021, the facility was fully operational, regulated by Nursing Council of Kenya (Private Practice) under registration number 24222.
You can reach Xilva Medical Clinic by call or text through their mobile number 0728403998 0701214850.
Below are some of the services offered at Xilva Medical Clinic.

  1. TT toxoid for Pregnant Women
  2. Stand Alone – Retail services
  3. Short Term Family Planning Services
  4. Outpatient Curative Services
  5. Long Term Family Planning Services
  6. Integrated Child Immunization
  7. HIV Testing Services
  8. Condom Distribution & STI Prevention
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