Mt.Elgon Endoscopy Centre-Kiambu


Mt.Elgon Endoscopy Centre-Kiambu is a Private Practice – Medical Specialist medical center located in Township (Kiambu Town, Along Kiambu Ndumberi Road, New Kikinga Annex Next To Kenya Commercial Bank .Opposite Kiambu County Referral Hospital) Kiambu Town in Kiambu County. As of 2021, the facility was fully operational, regulated by Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council under registration number 25249. You can reach Mt.Elgon Endoscopy Centre-Kiambu by call or text through their or you can also send them an email at 0. Below are some of the services offered at Mt.Elgon Endoscopy Centre-Kiambu.

  1. Surgical Outpatient Curative Services clinic
  2. Skin
  3. Paediatric Outpatient Curative Services clinic
  4. Medical Outpatient Curative Services Clinic
  5. HIV Testing Services
  6. Gynaecology
  7. ENT
  8. Comprehensive Emergency Preparedness
  9. Basic Mental Health Services
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